When is it Spring?

This semester has been off to a slow start due to the storms. We had 3 or 4 big storms in a row, and as a result most of my Monday and Tuesday classes were cancelled each week.

I am hoping that there will be no more storms and that the semester will start picking up in the next week or so. Right now it just feels very disjointed. Some classes feel like they’re just beginning even though we’re a month into the semester.

It’s been a pretty crazy winter, and I am definitely over it. We’ve been stuck inside our apartment for the past 3 weeks in a row, and have suffered from cabin fever.

In other news, I have a new workstudy job as a Media Consultant at the Multimedia Lab in Lamont Library. My job is to assist people with their projects and to edit various video projects. I’ve only been working there for about a week, and am excited to see how the semester progresses.

As things start to pick up, I hope to share more here about my experiences.